Fisher Cats


This is the Fisher that the ecology and climatology group at Essex Middle School caught on their trail camera and tracked all the places it's been and were it roams on the EMS campus. This Fisher was located at Position 2 and Position 4( the second and fourth places the trail camera was placed.) Position 2 is fairly close to the Prairie Field and we placed it there after seeing Fisher tracks in the snow.  We identified the tracks and knew that the Fisher had a bounder pattern for tracking.  The first image from Position 2 shows the Fisher eating peanut butter on February 12, 2013  off the ground where we baited it to attract the animals.  The second image was also taken very close to the school at Position 4 on February 15, 2013 after we baited a nearby log.  That same night a fox and raccoon were also captured on the trail camera.  

Name: Fisher or Martes pennanti (often called Fisher Cat, but is a member of the weasel family)


The fisher lives in areas that have tons of wet areas and tons of trees to climb and the temperature is in between chilly and warm (temperate areas).  The fisher  is a mammal that is native to North America. They are mainly found in Canada, but they are also found in parts of New England, including Vermont.


The Fisher  is mostly a nocturnal animal and normally stays in its home during the day. But, if they need to hunt, they will occasionally come out during the day to get food and they eat about three times a day like us humans.

Interactions with other animals

The Fisher  is very territorial and does not really get along with any other animal.  If the Fisher  was eating and another animal came along and tried to eat the same prey, the Fisher would turn it into a fight for the food. The Fisher does not have a lot of predators and one of the only predators is the coyote.

Food ( what do they eat)

The Fisher  preys on almost any animal that gets in its way and animals of all different sizes.  Also, the Fisher is the only animal that preys on porcupines because all of the other animals are afraid of the spikes, but not the Fisher . To wrap it up, the Fisher is a carnivore ( only eats meat).


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