Multiflora Rose

Multiflora Rose
The Multiflora rose is mostly grown in the East region ( china, japan, Korea, Asia ). The Multiflora rose was introduced to America in 1866.  The Multiflora rose does grow aggressively and it produces large numbers of fruits that are eaten by different birds. The Multiflora rose has a thick stem. The Multiflora rose exclude most native shrubs and herbs from establishing and the Multiflora rose may be detrimental to nesting of native birds. The Multiflora rose is native in the Eastern Asia. Also the Multiflora rose was planted in the mid-west for living fences and soil conservation. The habitat for the multiflora rose occurs in successional fields and pastures also found along roadsides. The Multiflora rose has a wide tolerance for soil, moisture and light conditions. The Multiflora rose grows aggressively and produces a large numbers of fruits that are eaten and dispersed by a variety of birds creating more Multiflora rose plants everywhere the birds dispersed.
The impacts I think the Multiflora rose shrub can reach up to 15 feet and form a dense thickness. The stems are long. The Multiflora rose leaves are alternate an
d compound.  Also the Multiflora rose has a impact on forestry and foresters.The best ways to remove the Multiflora rose is to pull the multiflora rose by the end of the shrub and make sure to get the roots out. Also beware because there is thorns on the multiflora rose. Also another way to get rid of the multiflora rose is to wrap a chain and hook the chain to your car or pull the chain till the Multiflora rose is fully out of the ground. Currently we have not found the Multiflora rose on our campus.  

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